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Filtration & Treatment

Natural, highly effective and better than sand...

Water & Air

Filtration & Treatment 

Water Filtration

Removal of particulates down to 10 microns reflects the capability of CMZeolites media and is better than sand in this regard. It is a favoured filtration medium due to its hardness and blockly shapes even compared to these more highly technical and engineered materials because of the cost benefit ratio. Pressure requirement is normally no more than gravity.

Water for Aquaculture

At the biological level CMZeolites can remove protozoan parasites and their eggs as well as eggs of other life forms. At the chemical level CMZeolites can reduce the amount of cationic materials particularly those heavy metal ions that are considered to be detrimental to human and animal health. 


Backwashing is undertaken by simply reversing flow, flushing out particles trapped in the filter with the liquid then placed on the garden or lawn as it contains no harmful chemicals likely to damage plants. Pressure requirement is much lower than for sand due to the spaces in the media which do not require additional pressure even if run backwards and upwards also water usage is reduced on backwashing. 

Water Treatment 

Bore Water

Bore water requires careful treatment mostly related to the levels of salts contained therein. In times of drought there is a build up of Sodium Chloride which needs to be reduced to be able to be used by people and animals. The other major chemical entities are Calcium and Magnesium, Chloride and Oxide. These require an oxidant treatment usually by ozone to produce insoluble oxides which can be filtered out by the CMZ. 

Storm water systems going to the environment mandatory require reduction of total Nitrogen and total Phosphorus (TN and TP). CMZ can bind ammonium ion but ZeoChar when appropriately treated can take out anionic molecules with a single reagent. 

Tank Water (rain water or soft water)

Treatments of water depend on its source and those chemicals therein. Rainwater is normally easy to treat provided that the gutters are periodically cleaned out. However the presence of birds indicates the need for filtration and treatment most likely with peroxide and colloidal silver. 

River & Dam Waters

River and dam water has a plethora of problems most likely involving organic matter and the breakdown of plant and animal material. CMZ is indicated here to remove Nitrogen as Ammonium ions and terriary amines from the breakdown of protein. It is strongly recommended that some form of microbial treatment occurs before household use. 
Eutrophic conditions where prolonged fertiliser use and vast permeating soils with little soil carbon have resulted in high nutrient loads these are triggers for blooms of green algae and Cyanobacteria the former is usually not problematic, but the later organisms produce a toxin that provides serious health risks for people and animals alike.
ZeoChar and zeolite working together as PondSafe may provide a means so removing the nutrient load without causing the release of toxins. 

Storm Water

Storm water released to the environment requires mandatory reduction of total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus. CMZ can bind ammonium ions but ZeoChar when appropriately treated can take out anions which a single reagent.  These include Phosphate and Nitrate. 

Industrial Waste Water

This encompasses all other chemicals from diverse industries and is a specialised area. 


Water for agriculture has a lesser requirement for lower levels of other metallic ions. Transition metal ions can be effectively treated but may require an initial process to change their solubility. The most affective treatment before CMZeolites is ozone. 

Food Producing Animals & Birds

Animals requires appropriate treatment to allow them to drink adequately to maintain health and fitness. As above heavy metals and some transitional ions need to be reduced particularly in times of drought when the level of salts increases to such an extent that limits animals from drinking. There are at least two or most probably three treatment methods that will be required. Initially sodium ions must to be reduced. 

Potable Water

Potable water requires other treatment in addition to filtration with sterilants. In some places fluoridation is added to reduce tooth decay. 

Desalinated Water

This water is made by reverse osmosis (RO) and zeolite may be used in the initial filtration and treatment before RO.

Air Filtration

CMZeolites are very hydrophilic and as such attracts water molecules in water saturated air containing particles e.g. from diesel exhausts. In situations where the air is vented without water saturation then a mister or fogger can be installed below the filter to generate moisture in the air stream. 

Air Treatment 

Treatment of the air is by reaction with a chemical inclusion to react with malodorous and or poisonous volatiles e.g. oxidants like Chlorine or Peroxide to treat Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S). Mercaptans, Ammonia (NH3) and amines in STP or reductants such as Sodium metabisulfite to treat Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) from road tunnels.

This is the basis of its use in treatment of air in risers in sewage treatment plants (STP).


About Filtration & Treatment Use

Product Grades Recommended for Filtration & Treatment

FM 16/30

Size: Nominally 0.5 to 1.2 mm.

Weight: 1 Tonne bulk bags, PE 25 kg or 15 kg bags.

FM 16/30

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10/2.2 MM

Size: Nominally 2.2 to 10 mm.

Weight: 1 Tonne bulk bags, PE 25 kg or 15 kg bags.

10/2.2 MM

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FM 16/50

Size: Nominally 0.3 to 1.2 mm.

Weight: 1 Tonne bulk bags, PE 25 kg or 15 kg bags.

FM 16/50

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FM 8/16

Size: Nominally 1 to 2.2 mm.

Weight: 1 Tonne bulk bags, PE 25 kg or 15 kg bags.

FM 8/16

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FM 8/30

Size: Nominally 0.5 to 2.2 mm.

Weight: 1 Tonne bulk bags, PE 25 kg or 15 kg bags.

FM 8/30

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FM 3/1

Size: Nominally 1 to 3 mm.

Weight: 1 Tonne bulk bags, PE 25 kg or 15 kg bags.

FM 3/1

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7/3 mm

Size: Nominally 3 to 7 mm.

Weight: 1 Tonne bulk bags, PE 25 kg or 15 kg bags.

7/3 mm

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How much Zeolite will be required?